
Recipes with Tahini

tahini hellenic shelf


Tahini is an amazing food that, apart from being incredibly good for your body, tastes great as well.


It can be combined with so many products and in this paragraph, we’ll draw attention to sauces, dips and spreads; countless great recipes to use it in, whether for its thick and full flavour or its texture, it’s a fantastic base or content in any side dish you want to prepare.


There is a whole article in this page but, since I brought that up here as well, let’s make some notes. -Tahini is one of the most calcium-rich foods on the planet. – In general, staples of the Greek diet abound in adioxidants, and ground sesame is considered as a king to that. – Sesame oil was found effective in combatting 75% of the drug resistant bacteria tested! – Tahini contains monounsaturated fats that reduce risks like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other, and host of vital nutrients, among them protein, fats, carbohydrates, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium… should I continue?


Again, straight up, it taste may not be as appealing as some other pastes, but remember that it improves with anything you can add – honey, sugar, squeezed orange, cocoa, chocolate, etc. of course, every thing has to do with likes and dislikes.


Since we have carefully read about the beneficial properties of ground sesame seeds, I have the impression that the most sensible thing to do with tahini is to use it pure in the most important meal of the day.


Breakfast! I personally use to mix it with honey so it gets a bit sweeter than it is and in case I’m about to consume it on a slice of bread, the texture and taste becomes let’s say, “more acceptable”. Full of flavour, ready to be combined with anything, honey, lemon, syrup, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, cereals, on toasts (French or not), with biscuits, with pancakes… After that, one jar will never be enough.


When for the first time I tasted a sweet tahini concoction (sadly at a relatively grown age), besides being amazed by its rich and mellow taste, I thought that I had really wasted many years without knowing it. So, in searching for more recipes and ideas, I found that there is so much literature on wonderful recipes that include this treasure trove of vitamins and flavor, that I can only think of sharing it with you because I believe that by doing so, I will be of real benefit to you.


I sincerely believe that I am helping you. Honestly! I don’t need to go into more detail with recipe titles etc, I find it unnecessary now. Look it up, I promise you won’t regret it. I will tell you just one thing. Mix tahini grounds with cocoa powder, honey and maybe some butter and spread it on a slice of bread or a pancake. Just like that.


Whether it’s called a milkshake or a smoothie, in very general terms it’s a very, very tasty concoction that delights all young and old alike, and depending on the recipe we use, we can make it more “innocent” -in terms of calories-, but we can certainly fill it with energy, protein, nutrients, flavor and texture that we won’t need to eat anything else after all.


Use tahini in all preparations because, because something too delicious is usually also “sinful” or simply considered so, by including something so nutritious, you are now assured that you are on the right track. Use it in banana-based recipes, yogurt, ice cream, milk, whatever! All of the recipes I found are so tempting that I’d rather not recommend any of them because I’d be doing the rest of them an injustice.


We’ve mentioned salads (honey and croutons) elsewhere and we suggest – since you’re doing so well and eating as many salads as possible – that you always add a dressing or vinaigrette to enhance their already great taste. There are endless recipes to make such a tasty treat quickly and easily, and the best ingredients are the ones you already have on your shelves.


We believe that, a tea spoon of tahini should never be missing from such a recipe, because apart from its incredible taste and texture, it also provides an incredible amount of nutrients.
In fact, I think we should be required by state law to eat a spoonful of tahini every day, lest the national health care system collapse. Do it for yourself and for the people you love and care about.

Of course, there are so many ways to enjoy the above products, we just, as friends, give you some ideas and some solutions. You, investigate even further and for anything you are not too sure about, ask the experts.

Learn more about tahini here